Leadership Coaching for Self-Empowerment

As a high powered leader in today's business world, what's stopping you from achieving business goals?

What's getting in the way of your career or business success? 

Whether you're a corporate executive or an independent business owner the challenges encountered during the operations of everyday business life can inhibit the success of your career or business results.

However, when you're the person at the top, where the "buck stops," it's up to you to empower yourself to meet these business or career challenges. To effectively manage and/or overcome these challenges experienced on a day to day basis, consider Leadership Coaching for Self-Empowerment.

Create a Customized and Personalized Framework for Success!

Working directly with Coach Mary Anne Kochut, author, professor, sought after seminar leader and motivational speaker, Leadership Coaching for Self-Empowerment clients will create a personalized framework for success based upon goals and objectives that are customized to his or her individual personal, professional or career goals using the concepts contained in the Resiliency Hourglass Model as a framework. Diagnostic tools and structured activities are utilized to create a clear vision of the client's objectives as well as personal and professional vision and strategy.

Challenges Faced by Powerful Leaders

The Resiliency Hourglass Model provides an overview of the leadership skills and characteristics to address some of the challenges “powerful” leaders and business owners encounter on a daily basis and provides useful tools for self-empowerment to overcome these frustrating challenges.

Identify Roadblocks!

Support is provided to assist the client develop follow this customized strategy to identify and overcome roadblocks that are specific to the unique needs of each individual that might be inhibiting his or her success.

Be Accountable!

Coaching helps to hold clients accountable in for attaining his or her goals and provides support in remaining on track.

Important Note: This program is designed for middle to senior-level executives, managers and business owners. It is customized for each individual client based upon their goals.

Call 908-625-8963 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information regarding scheduling and pricing.